Integrity and Your USP (Your Unique Soul Psychology vs Your Unique selling Point)

If you have ever wondered how to truly stand out with your spiritual business?

In this special MASTERCLASS:

I am going to show you how to unravel your Unique Soul Psychology™ and use it to stand out and attract a community of aligned student clients, simply by owning who you have always been and understanding your unique positioning in the world.

Your Unique soul Psychology is beyond your Unique Selling Point as it aligns with the true essence of who you are, rather than trying to fit into marketing molds that are not authentic to you

1 Module

Integrity and Your USP (Your Unique Soul Psychology vs Your Unique Selling Point)

Learn how to stop sounding like everyone else and tap into your unique wisdom and the way you are meant to showcase it to the world.  (and sell it with ease because it naturally stands out).

Modules for this teaching 1

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