Available Teachings

Psychology of Prosperity Training

This training is ONLY for those committed to decode, and apply their unique psychology of prosperity to create lasting wealth based on spiritual principles.

This is literally over thousands of dollars worth and decades of acquiring this golden information, complied and compressed into a concise, powerful, and effective video training that you can start and complete in about a week.

Tried, tested and true knowledge guaranteed to give you the transformation that teaches you how to alter your prosperity set point forever.

This Psychology of Prosperity Training is NOT for everyone.

This is for you IF:

  • You take responsibilities for your results
  • You understand you are the source of your power
  • You are not looking for a "get rich quick' fix
  • You are in for the long game of success
  • You desire to make money with meaning VS empty riches
  • You know you have a big mission to fulfill
  • You are willing to set aside past stories of "failure"
  • You understand you create your reality
  • You are ready to feel deep satisfaction about your financial results with your work
  • You are ready to create a sense of deep safety that will allow you to create and hold wealth 

This training is a collection of over 30 years of my personal and professional experience that has created massive transformations, and breakthroughs in my clients' lives, and businesses as well as my own.

5D Business Oracle Membership Club


Tap into the treasure map encoded in your personal astrology chart, by learning to understand who you really are, your unique gifts and how you are meant to express them in your work.

Get the community, the resources, and the expert guidance you need to know exactly what your soul's purpose is and how to creatively design a business that reflects this knowledge and understanding. 

Receive guidance to design the right structure for your business that makes sense for you based on your cosmic makeup and the energy imprint of your life journey so you can build a one-of-a-kind brand for your spiritual, holistic, or conscious business. 

The 5D Business Oracle Membership Club includes:

  • 2 Monthly LIVE ASTRO INTUITIVE BUSINESS COACHING CALLS with Monica Maria with hot seat coaching to receive answers for your business

  • A community of like-minded healers, coaches, guides, facilitators, creatives, teachers, and New Earth leaders to support you

  • A Better than Netflix library of rituals, energy activations, and esoteric knowledge resources, you can access when you desire.

  • Plus 15% member savings for ALL new masterclasses, and special offerings including transit reports and solar return charts, so you can plan your best year ahead

Upgrade to have 1:1 support for only 222 a month. This is the most economical way to have high value high attention on you every single month without the commitment of a long term coaching/mentoring container. MY ONE ON ONE ATTENTION EVERY MONTH.

Freedom Frequency Foundational Training for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Imagine turning your most painful, and challenging life experiences into a thriving business that also becomes your greatest contribution to humanity?

Use your life experience as powerful wisdom to design a unique body of work that will attract a community of clients who value and invest in your wisdom.

When you calibrate to your unique frequency of wellbeing, purpose, self-expression, meaningful service, and prosperity, you also become FREE to be an innovative leader in the world. I call this your Freedom Frequency.

Perfect for you if you're a new coach, healer, teacher, or in transition needing to integrate personal changes so you can evolve your work.

5 modules, 20 lessons + the option to add 1 on 1 support.

Money and Meaning (The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Healing Journey Class Series)

What is the SOUL ROOT REASON for the prosperity you experience in your life and business?

If you are aware of your soul's mission and feel dissatisfaction with the prosperity you experience with your vocation and across your life ...

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself "what is really at the heart of this experience?"

Inside of Money and Meaning, you will be guided to:

  • Raise your awareness of the repeated patterns that are causing dissatisfaction and frustration in the area of prosperity and begin to unravel them.
  • Start to shift your relationship to abundance in all its forms and the true value that you bring to the world through your unique gifts, talents, skills, and life experience.
  • Learn how to evolve your perspective of prosperity forever



A esta exploración personal de tu propia sanación y a un aprendizaje para poder guiar a los demás con maestría. Comienza una nueva vocación o amplifica lo que ya estás haciendo con nuevos conocimientos y herramientas que aprenderás en un grupo íntimo de mujeres. Enríquez tu vida y aplica tu conocimiento para poder guiar tu familia, tu comunidad y nuestro mundo.

Este programa es presencial y virtual. Certifícate como guía, coach y sanadora espiritual a través de 9 meses.

Tendrás el apoyo de una comunidad de mujeres en el camino y una maestra experta en los temas de sanación y emprendimiento consciente.

The Integrity Course - free

Are you avoiding taking certain actions, and talking about certain topics in your business?

It's time to show up with FULL integrity, and attract aligned student-clients who will be magnetized to your authentic truth.

This course for New earth teachers and leaders will show you:

  • How to find the courage to act and speak with authenticity
  • Why taking a stand for truth helps you heal 
  • How TRUTH can magnetize your aligned community to you

Return of the Dark Night of the Soul Healing and Business Virtual Retreat

Turn your painful past into the secret to your success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur

Go on this 3 day guided virtual retreat to connect to your deepest healing that will fuel your greatest power as a spiritual business owner.

What if the secret to your success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur is your painful past?

This is what you will experience in this 3-day retreat:

1. IDENTIFY what is really affecting your wellbeing, prosperity, and success.

Learn what is the true root cause of your dis-stress, dis-ease, and dis-satisfaction in your physical, and mental-emotional reality.

2. CONNECT the dots to understand the ripple effect that is being created in your life and work.

Raise your awareness by seeing the subconscious and not-so-obvious patterns that show up across various areas of your life and stop you from fulfilling your soul's mission.

3. UNRAVEL the patterns that disempower you, and take back control to create the reality of your choice.

Shift unwanted situations at the soul root so you start to consciously create the results you truly desire in both your life and your soul mission.

4. DESIGN your specific soul prescription to heal and restore yourself on every level.

Put together a personally tailored plan to transform yourself, physically (including financially) mentally, and emotionally.

5. ELEVATE your consciousness by integrating the wisdom of your experience.

Release the negative emotional charge and attachments to stories of the past and integrate the wisdom of your life lessons.

6. PREPARE to guide and lead others with the unique wisdom the dark night of the soul has brought you.

Step into a space of gratitude and ownership for all you have been through, knowing you have valuable wisdom to guide others with.

Learn how to transform your life experience into a valuable and unique way to stand out with your life purpose and expression of your mission in the most satisfying and fulfilling way for your soul. Thrive as you continue to heal and evolve!

Experience the power of aligning to the wisdom of your soul, as well as information that is encoded in your natal chart about your life purpose.

The Soul Medicine Your Leadership Needs Masterclass

Are you a LEADER?

In this class, I will talk about the Soul Medicine your Leadership Needs.

🔥 If you are really ready to step up into a higher level of leadership in your life and in your work, then this class is for you! 😉🔥✨

🔥 How to cultivate courage and faith

🔥 How to create paradigm and reality shifts

🔥 +The formula to crafting your Soul Medicine,

Learn the various ways that you and I can play together. ✨

💜 https://www.psychologyofprosperity.com/work-with-me

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