
This is a sacred space of learning, growing, healing and evolving

I'm glad you're here!


Este es un espacio de crecimiento, aprendizaje, sanación y evolución.

¡Estoy contenta de que estás aquí!


Available Teachings

Astro-Spiritual Club (Healing + 5D Business Development)

Create lasting success in your life, via your purpose driven, holistic business, by understanding the wisdom of your soul's map.

Expand your capacity to receive, beyond MONEY (which translates to ONE EYE, the eye of seeing TRUTH)

Your ability to receive prosperity in ALL its forms is anchored in your understanding of who you are and knowing HOW to value yourself.


This club combines the ancient occult wisdom of astrology, with spiritual healing guidance and the specific businesses strategies, you need to succeed in this quickly-transforming world.


  • You are a healer, light worker, or a holistic/spiritual coach, mentor, or creative entrepreneur or
  • You are desiring or planning to become a holistic entrepreneur
  • You love to study the occult, and you consider yourself to be a seeker of wisdom and truth
  • You place high value on the power of spiritual healing to help you create lasting success in your life
  • You want to establish a solid foundation for your work based on self-confidence 
  • You want to know you're energetically supported as you start, grow and scale your business


  • The karmic lessons that you need to integrate to direct your success gracefully
  • The exact strategies to break out of old patterns that show up in life and in business 
  • The approach to master your emotions and gain deeper clarity and focus of your goals
  • The path to realizing your potential by stepping into the grand vision of your life's purpose
  • The specific energy encoding of your natal chart and how it serves as a personal treasure map 


  • Feel clearly confident and divinely guided as you navigate through changes in your world
  • Step into your fullest expression of leadership while knowing you are safe and supported
  • Attract a community of kindred souls who share your values and want to learn and grow with you
  • Market your business in a unique and authentic way that reflects who you are  
  • Design offers, services and products based on your life's journey that help you stand out
  • Evolve your business gracefully as you shift, grow and change personally
  • Identify exactly who your ideal clients are and HOW you're meant to serve them
  • and so much more, by tapping into your soul map!

Astrology is an infinite and ancient cosmic language, that in learning, will expand your consciousness, and help you communicate your purpose, intent and impact on the planet.

In order to experience shifts as a result from acquiring this wisdom, time is needed to drop into this level of understanding.  For this reason, there is a minimum 3-month commitment, so you can apply the knowledge gained and begin to witness its influence in your life and work.


Brand or RE brand your business from the inside out with specific knowledge based off the energy encoded in your birth chart.

This is a 45-day private 1:1 program designed to help you gain massive clarity about how to express your purpose inside your business in a unique and innovative way based off the energy encoded in your birth chart. Brand or RE brand your business from the inside out with specific knowledge that will help you:

  • Get clear and literally FEEL exactly who your ideal client is

  • Know HOW to speak to them so they get that YOU are the one that understands them and can help them

  • Create a proprietary methodology, that organizes your wisdom, skills and experience into a cohesive way of speaking about what you do

  • Craft your signature offer that allows you to direct your suite of offerings and your marketing seamlessly to this offer

  • Identify the type of community you are here to lead, so marketing happens as a result of showing up to serve your people

  • Discover the leadership style that comes naturally to you so you can identify HOW you want to market.

  • Feel incredibly aligned and confident about your business, your offers and the way you market and serve your people.

Take off with your upgraded brand in 45 days or less!


(4) 75 minute laser focused sessions with recordings

In between, talk and text support via Voxer, to fine tune any aspect of your (re) brand


adding 3 LIVE group calls to your program. Learn about the club here.

Lead Yourself, Lead the World Masterclass

Master your emotions, use your intuition and feel safe sharing your truth! Dive into this masterclass and workbook to get the clarity you need to lead.

The Soul Medicine Your Leadership Needs Masterclass

Are you a LEADER?

In this class, I will talk about the Soul Medicine your Leadership Needs.

🔥 If you are really ready to step up into a higher level of leadership in your life and in your work, then this class is for you! 😉🔥✨

🔥 How to cultivate courage and faith

🔥 How to create paradigm and reality shifts

🔥 +The formula to crafting your Soul Medicine,

Learn the various ways that you and I can play together. ✨

💜 https://www.psychologyofprosperity.com/work-with-me

Freedom Frequency Foundational Training for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Imagine turning your most painful, and challenging life experiences into a thriving business that also becomes your greatest contribution to humanity?

Use your life experience as powerful wisdom to design a unique body of work that will attract a community of clients who value and invest in your wisdom.

When you calibrate to your unique frequency of wellbeing, purpose, self-expression, meaningful service, and prosperity, you also become FREE to be an innovative leader in the world. I call this your Freedom Frequency.

Perfect for you if you're a new coach, healer, teacher, or in transition of getting clear on WHAT your business could be about, and you need to integrate personal changes so you can evolve your life and vocation.


5 modules, 20 lessons + the option to add 1 on 1 support.

Integrity and Your USP (Your Unique Soul Psychology vs Your Unique selling Point)

If you have ever wondered how to truly stand out with your spiritual business?

In this special MASTERCLASS:

I am going to show you how to unravel your Unique Soul Psychology™ and use it to stand out and attract a community of aligned student clients, simply by owning who you have always been and understanding your unique positioning in the world.


Grow your business, by creating communities of ideal clients, your soul wants to serve, easily through events.

  • Maximize your time & visibility through events
  • Grow warm audiences of people who have raised their hand expressing interest in your work, through event participation
  • Create connections that lead to quality clients
  • Expand your impact and reach internationally
  • Claim your expertise and leadership through building communities who share your values

Marketing Magic Via Events Membership

Get access to the behind the scenes magic of growing your business through events!

Each month, you will have a class filed with event success secrets to implement.

Get my 1;1 expert guidance to fine tune your event strategy and start filling and selling out all your events while growing your business with warm leads interested in your work!!

Your YEARLY membership includes:

  • One monthly event secrets and strategy call
  • Private online community
  • Q and A 2xs a month to get personalized answers to your Qs
  • Library of all classes to access and re-listen to when you want
  • Special invitations to members only events and event strategy sessions


SPECIAL FREE MASTERCLASS that will walk you through all the planning and organizational steps of creating your first freebie.

Learn to attract your ideal student-clients through education.

The Integrity Course - free

Are you avoiding taking certain actions, and talking about certain topics in your business?

It's time to show up with FULL integrity, and attract aligned student-clients who will be magnetized to your authentic truth.

This course for New earth teachers and leaders will show you:

  • How to find the courage to act and speak with authenticity
  • Why taking a stand for truth helps you heal 
  • How TRUTH can magnetize your aligned community to you

Return of the Dark Night of the Soul Healing Experience

Turn your painful past into the secret to your success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur

Go on this 3 day guided virtual retreat to connect to your deepest healing that will fuel your greatest power as a spiritual business owner.

What if the secret to your success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur is your painful past?

This is what you will experience in this 3-day retreat:

1. IDENTIFY what is really affecting your wellbeing, prosperity, and success.

Learn what is the true root cause of your dis-stress, dis-ease, and dis-satisfaction in your physical, and mental-emotional reality.

2. CONNECT the dots to understand the ripple effect that is being created in your life and work.

Raise your awareness by seeing the subconscious and not-so-obvious patterns that show up across various areas of your life and stop you from fulfilling your soul's mission.

3. UNRAVEL the patterns that disempower you, and take back control to create the reality of your choice.

Shift unwanted situations at the soul root so you start to consciously create the results you truly desire in both your life and your soul mission.

4. DESIGN your specific soul prescription to heal and restore yourself on every level.

Put together a personally tailored plan to transform yourself, physically (including financially) mentally, and emotionally.

5. ELEVATE your consciousness by integrating the wisdom of your experience.

Release the negative emotional charge and attachments to stories of the past and integrate the wisdom of your life lessons.

6. PREPARE to guide and lead others with the unique wisdom the dark night of the soul has brought you.

Step into a space of gratitude and ownership for all you have been through, knowing you have valuable wisdom to guide others with.

Learn how to transform your life experience into a valuable and unique way to stand out with your life purpose and expression of your mission in the most satisfying and fulfilling way for your soul. Thrive as you continue to heal and evolve!

Experience the power of aligning to the wisdom of your soul, as well as information that is encoded in your natal chart about your life purpose.

Breath of Wealth Evolutionary Experience for Spiritual Women Business Owners


- powerfully showing up, and living your life confidently 

- effectively communicating, and creating authentic connections

- maximizing your true earning potential in business.


Courage to truly live; loudly, boldly, and

about what you desire, about what you value, about what you deserve.

Spend 5 powerful days inside of an evolutionary experience that will guide you to drop deep within yourself to receive ALL the answers you need to finally get out of your own way.


Craft the exit plan out of your J.O.B,, pivot or scale your business,
relocate your life to a different country, create a global movement, 
find your life partner, get pregnant,
create lasting wealth while serving at your highest...




Clearly communicate with confidence to attract all the clients your soul wants to serve with astrology + breath work.

Get the clarity, that gives you the confidence, that allows you to communicate, attract and sell to all the clients you want to work with, using a unique combination of Wealth Consciousness, Breathwork, and Astrology for Business.

Join me Monica Maria, Business Astrologer, Mentor, and Master Healer for a profound spiritual journey of anchoring into the value of who you are and what ONLY YOU can bring to the world via your holistic business.

This is for women who:

  • Have or want to have a spiritual, holistic or creative business
  • Desire complete clarity about exactly who they are meant to work with
  • Are ready to start attracting more clients
  • know their mission is to serve with their gifts and create impactful change on the planet
  • Want to communicate with full confidence about their work

In this masterclass and experiential workshop, you will:

  • Use your breath to expand your wealth consciousness
  • Feel your nervous system relax
  • Establish a solid foundation of self-worth
  • Clearly communicate the power of your work

Psychology of Prosperity Training

This training is ONLY for those committed to decode, and apply their unique psychology of prosperity to create lasting wealth based on spiritual principles.

This is literally over thousands of dollars worth and decades of acquiring this golden information, complied and compressed into a concise, powerful, and effective video training that you can start and complete in about a week.

Tried, tested and true knowledge guaranteed to give you the transformation that teaches you how to alter your prosperity set point forever.

This Psychology of Prosperity Training is NOT for everyone.

This is for you IF:

  • You take responsibilities for your results
  • You understand you are the source of your power
  • You are not looking for a "get rich quick' fix
  • You are in for the long game of success
  • You desire to make money with meaning VS empty riches
  • You know you have a big mission to fulfill
  • You are willing to set aside past stories of "failure"
  • You understand you create your reality
  • You are ready to feel deep satisfaction about your financial results with your work
  • You are ready to create a sense of deep safety that will allow you to create and hold wealth 

This training is a collection of over 32 years of my personal and professional experience that has created massive transformations, and breakthroughs in my clients' lives, and businesses as well as my own.

Money and Meaning (The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Healing Journey Class Series)

What is the SOUL ROOT REASON for the prosperity you experience in your life and business?

If you are aware of your soul's mission and feel dissatisfaction with the prosperity you experience with your vocation and across your life ...

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself "what is really at the heart of this experience?"

Inside of Money and Meaning, you will be guided to:

  • Raise your awareness of the repeated patterns that are causing dissatisfaction and frustration in the area of prosperity and begin to unravel them.
  • Start to shift your relationship to abundance in all its forms and the true value that you bring to the world through your unique gifts, talents, skills, and life experience.
  • Learn how to evolve your perspective of prosperity forever


Aprende a ser el guía que necesitas, explorando el mapa de tu alma; tu carta astral.



En este club mensual te guiaré a entender y usar la energía de tu astrología personal para poder 

  • Conocerte y aprende a dirigir tu vida con claridad y confianza usando energía codificada en tus astros.
  • Entender los patrones que están listos para quebrarse y crear una realidad diferente 
  • Desarrollar tus dones y aptitudes especiales para poder laborar en lo que tú amas 
  • Sanar experiencias dolorosas con empoderamiento y comprendiendo la sabiduría que te ha aportado
  • Realizar tu verdadero propósito de tu vida siguiendo el mapa de tu alma, tu carta astral

Y mucho más, como aprender que energía te ayuda atraer tu compañero divino, la prosperidad, la salud y todo lo que tu alma vino a vivir en esta vida.

Mensualidad de Club Incluye:

  • Un taller grupal por mes en vivo donde te enseño varios aspectos de astrología
  • Grupo virtual para recibir consejos y apoyo entre clases y para seguir inspirado
  • Consultoría personalizada a través del grupo para compartir experiencias y hacer preguntas
  • Librería de las grabaciones de cada clase y otros recursos para ver cuando desees  
  • Descuentos en consultas privadas y otros eventos especiales

PROMO ESPECIAL 33 mil COP MENSUALIDAD, para los primeros 10 personas que se unan a ser miembros. Normalmente 88 mil COP/MES

No hay ningún contrato Debes cancelar por escrito con mínimo de 10 días de anticipación de tu próxima mensualidad.

Community Gathering Using Eventbrite Strategy Masterclass

THIS masterclass will teach you an easy repeatable process that beats ANY algorithm, costs ZERO ad spend and will have you grow your community with NEW people from around the world!

I'm about to show you my secret strategy to double your email list, multiply your visibility, and grow your community, without having to create massive amounts of content or live on social media.

READY? !!!

I know you will enjoy this way more than 85% of what you're currently doing to attract new aligned souls into your services and offers... promise.

Learn how to gather community using the powerful underutilized Eventbrite strategy.

Eventbrite, also a search engine, to multiply your visibility, grow your email list, and gain international leads for your business.

Perfect for you if you already have events (trainings, workshops , challenges, in person events, retreats OR you want to learn how to use events to grow your community) OR host virtual events as well,, this strategy works just as great!

Be walked through, step by step, on how to use this secret strategy that has helped me doubled my email list in the last 6 months….

You also have an option to upgrade and get the masterclass AND a private 1:1 with me to help you with your event strategy for $77! I'm giving you an opportunity to access my genius event strategies that I used to grow, build and scale a 6 figure event production biz in NYC for a decade!

WHY? Because the world needs community, now more than ever!! Age of Aquarius, baby!

My Teachings Available Teachings
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